About Nameday

As Gordon Allport (one of the founders of personality psychology) said in 1961, "the most important anchorage to our self-identity throughout life remains our own name".

Nameday celebrations originated in Europe, following the calendar of saints. However with time, as with most things, the celebration of namedays has changed. With wanting to make this tradition more accessible, we've made something which has never been created before; a nameday calendar containing over 30,000 names. This calendar gives no matter to race, religion, nationality, or age. Something all-inclusive that represents the multicultural world we all live in.

Do you ever forget your family's, friend's, or loved one's birthday?... It happens. But most likely you won't forget their names. It's a perfect, discrete (if you so choose) way of honoring coworkers, family, friends, and acquaintances.

Growing up in Europe, the celebration of your nameday, was similar to your birthday. It was another way to acknowledge and praise your loved ones and friends. Giving small gifts or enjoying dinner and drinks together is common. Our family has always encouraged the celebration of every moment, even the little ones. Why not celebrate your nameday with us?

Find the origin of your name, discover your friend's nameday, and gift your loved ones on their special day with nameday.com

"Names have power." - Rick Riordan "There is nothing sweeter in this sad world than the sound of someone you love calling your name." - Kate DiCamillo "A name represents identity, a deep feeling, and holds tremendous significance to its owner." - Rachel Ingber "Names are the sweetest and most important sound in any language." - Dale Carnegie

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